

(Part – 3 : Srinagar)

We were on our last day in Kashmir and we expected it to end on a high. Heading towards the capital city of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar on our Day 6, all we could do is look back to a beautiful week and hope if it could go on forever. It was drizzling a little as we entered Srinagar. We had our stay at Welcomheritagehotels property of Gurkha Houseboats in Nagin Lake. Currently it’s the best houseboat property in the whole of Kashmir. On our way, we planned to enjoy the Dal Lake too.

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Dal lake in Srinagar, the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India, is integral to tourism and recreation in Kashmir and is named the “Lake of Flowers”, “Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” or “Srinagar’s Jewel”. The lake is also an important source for commercial operations in fishing and water plant harvesting. A lot of activities and operations within the lake helps some locals to make a living for themselves. On our 45 minute Shikara ride,we clicked loads of pictures  with the sun setting down as our backdrop and that feeling of inner peace is an experience that words cannot describe. Locals trying to make their ends meet, different species of birds flocking around, a market that displays the essence of Kashmir. As we ended our ride and stepped into the car to leave for our houseboat, the drizzles turned into heavy downpour of rain.Whilst driving by the Dal Lake when it’s raining cats and dogs, one realises the beauty of nature. Only if we we could stop everything around and just stare at this magnificent view.

We reached Nagin Lake, a 15 minute drive from Dal Lake. Fortunately, the rain stopped as we stepped out of the car to leave for our houseboat. We quickly took a shikara, kept our luggages and reached Gurkha Houseboats. Oh, what a beautiful artwork by the Welcomheritagehotels. The interiors, the carvings, the location and undoubtedly the hospitality; it just couldn’t get any better. We took another ‘Shikara Ride’, this time in the Nagin Lake and it was equally beautiful. It was a special day for all 4 of us. We got engaged exactly 1 year ago today and Krishna and Shreyans were celebrating their 2nd Year Anniversary.


We came back from the ride, sat on the porch of the boat and talked for a few hours without realising the time. What we were witnessing was a sun, drowning itself in the blue waters, the horizons of the sky and the water, mixing without a division for as far as we see with our naked eyes. The sky turning orangish yellow from blue, and then black, as we sat and gazed outside. It was dinner time. We had arranged a special dinner for ourselves to celebrate the occasion and the team at Gurkha Houseboats left no stoned unturned to make sure we made the most of the special occasion and also celebrating our last dinner in Kashmir. The decor, candles, lightings, specially curated menu and cuisines, just like we wanted. A perfect end to a perfect trip. It just couldn’t get any better. We played games and then slept peacefully that night, a little part of us, wanting to stay back, but knowing we had a morning flight back to Surat.

Though we left for Surat the next morning, a part of us, will always, always be in Kashmir.

Truly and rightly called, ‘The Heaven on Earth’.

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